Objectives and Purposes of the Department


The Department of Medicine and Surgery - within the renewed framework of a unified organizational structure aimed at embracing and enhancing the scientific experiences of the entire area of clinical and preclinical disciplines - pursues, among others, objectives and purposes related to the implementation of the scientific potential of the biomedical and healthcare area as well as strengthening educational functions and related tasks of affiliated assistance. It also aims at enhancing merit and expertise, rational use of resources, and transparency in decision-making.

Respecting the principles governing scientific autonomy, the Department gives impetus to a full, extensive, and effective interdisciplinary development of scientific activities and is committed to a comprehensive internationalization program consistent with the strategic directions of the University.

The Department of Medicine and Surgery - within the overall high commitment made by the University of Perugia in the development of cultural paths and the dissemination of knowledge - maintains appropriate relations of scientific and educational collaboration with other structures and departments of the University aimed at combining overall visions with specialized and sectoral knowledge and skills.

Among the scientific and research objectives pursued by the Department is to consolidate the achievements of traditional medicine and surgery by combining them with the development of personalized, molecular, and cellular medicine and with the development of minimally invasive, robotic, and precision medical-surgical techniques.

The educational and postgraduate training objectives of the Department of Medicine and Surgery coincide with the need to provide students with a complete, advanced, and updated knowledge of preclinical, medical, and surgical sciences and to provide them with paths and prospects for integration into strategic areas of the scientific-health sector.

In this regard, it is also the objective of the Department of Medicine and Surgery to strengthen the educational offer and extend it to all areas of interest for healthcare professions: from Medicine and Surgery to Nursing and Obstetrics, from Biological and Biotechnological Sciences to Speech Therapy, Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy, from Dentistry to Motor Sciences, from Radiology Techniques to Biomedical Laboratory Techniques, and further to Prevention Techniques in the environment and in workplaces, up to the disciplines that - in the progressive evolution of clinical and preclinical sciences - constitute and will increasingly constitute a richer heritage of Biomedical and Healthcare Sciences.

The Department of Medicine and Surgery is committed to contributing to the provision of healthcare functions in an integrated and coherent manner with the scientific and educational mission of the University institution and to contributing to research activities in the organization of the healthcare service and evaluation of interventions.

The enhancement of merit, based on traditional instruments for assessing scientific value and the degree of multidisciplinary interaction, is also pursued through the method of continuous evaluation of each scholar and each research group.

Within the strategic objectives of the University, the Department of Medicine and Surgery informs choices regarding the recruitment and career progression of teaching staff about the need to balance the requirements related to preserving the numerous Areas of excellence already acquired in the cultural heritage of the University and, as such, recognized and consolidated in the national and international scientific panorama with the principle of fair valorization of all Areas that animate the preclinical, medical, and surgical scientific community.

In the use and distribution of available resources, the Department is committed to ensuring the full satisfaction of public interests, which the good functioning of the Structure is purposefully oriented towards. Therefore, the Department values, as primary criteria and purposes, those represented by the extension and the higher degree of efficiency and effectiveness of the educational offer, by the consolidation and strengthening of scientific elaboration, and by the high quality and quantity of the institutional contribution that the Department is required to provide in the provision of assistance services.

The Department of Medicine and Surgery recognizes in transparency rules - besides being the fundamental vehicle for implementing the principles of impartiality and good governance - the tool capable of enhancing scientific excellences, attracting support tools for research activities, and improving the quality of the educational offer. Therefore, it is a priority objective of the Department of Medicine and Surgery to articulate its organization and functions, ensuring, among other things, the effectiveness of controls, the publicity of its acts and procedures, as well as the adequate motivation and planning of its choices.

The Department of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Perugia fulfills its institutional purposes with dedication and responsibility, contributing thereby to the overall material and intellectual progress of the University, the scientific community, the territorial communities, and the Republic.